Monday, 15 August 2011

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

The corn-stand is just humming away!  It's actually a bit of a madhouse on the weekends.

SAFETY REQUEST:   Please ensure that you drive with caution when approaching our stand - there have been a few over-zealous folks who make driving and parking a bit of a dilema.  There is plenty of parking along the drive, so please drive up the laneway a little further if you need to before parking to help avoid congestion at the entrance.  Also, we very much appreciate it when you turn off your engine when stopping!

Veggies are wonderful - Joc's fabulous garlic, called Music, has just been put out in the past week.....and field tomatoes are coming on!  Checkout some of our heritage tomatoes - they have to be the ugliest things ever, but the taste is next to none.........

Coming up very soon - local raspberries as well as peppers - stay tuned!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Rain, Rain - such a welcome sight!

Due to this morning's continuous rain, our stands will be opening a bit late today:

Komoka - 11am
Strathroy - noon

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but it's miserable working at the stand in rain!

Friday, 5 August 2011

Everything is Open and Back to Normal!

Thank you all for your patience yesterday - everything is back to normal this morning with both stands in full operation.  Yesterday's heat helped ripen our next patch of corn!!!

Thursday, 4 August 2011

A little bit of fame!

G 'n G Fresh Market had an interesting visitor this weekend - Blake Eligh who writes "The Daily Bite" for CanadianParents stopped by the stand.......

Here's what she wrote:  Grilling corn in the summer

Thank you for your visit - hope to see you again sometime soon!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Golden Sweet Corn - Not Available on Thursday, August 4th

Due to incredible demand this past weekend, we're very sorry to tell you that we won't have Golden Sweet Corn on our stands on Thursday, August 4th - and as a result, our Komoka and Strathroy stands will only reopen on Friday, August 5th. 

Joc's veggies will still be available up at the barn in Komoka

See you all at the stand on Friday!!!!!

Monday, 1 August 2011

Long-Weekend Monday

We're busier than ever now.....and the stand is humming!

Remember not to cook your Golden Sweet Corn too long - it really just needs to be heated up (for you butter lovers)'s already very tender when it's raw - have you ever tasted raw corn?  It's a lovely treat.

Our field tomatoes are almost ready!  We're currently featuring field tomatoes from Union (near Sparta).  Our peppers will also be ready in a few short weeks along with eggplant!

Garlic - Joc grows a fabulous garlic called "music" - which was just pulled this past weekend and will be appearing on our stand in a couple of days.

Watermelons are back and will be getting sweeter and sweeter as the season goes on.

Peas are now finished for this year.

Stay tuned as our crops ripen......